Изображения, фотографии и псевдо-роспись

или нет *


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Italiano per favore!

Для тех, кто не умеют читать, или для тех, кто начитался слишком много в этой жизни, здесь есть возможность пролитать по Куаглию-пространству, просматривая только фотографии.

The galleries are organized by years, events or themes. Inside the galleries, hypertextual links allow to reach also the personal homepages of the depicted persons, if available, or to easily move through the years and the events. Links are yellow and background color is red when you pass over with the mouse.

Beware: galleries scroll horizontally, not vertically!

Roberto the mutant

Roberto today
after the latest mutation

A few decades of life shrinked into a few dozen of photos. The various visual identities which have flown through my face in time, different haircuts, human envelopes I've interacted with by the practise of sociality. Yes, you are right, I am a mutant and I change my appearence in time. Here you have the prove.





click here to see Roberto the mutant



Roberto Quaglia, photo by Konstantin Krasnobaev, Moscow, 2006

10 images a year

было установленно здесь. Вобще-то, это отрывок того, что РК уже не представляет, видя, что время типично меняет формы и лица каждого, включительно и моё. Если вы, как и мы, не имели от меня достаточно, то тогда добро пожаловать.

Every year of my life narrated through 10 photos. But that's not true. Sometimes the photos are many more. Sometimes many less. There is no justice in the years. And, by the way, there is no justice in the photos either. Many events and people which have been significant in my life do not appear here, however, because the photos of them don't exist, or I don't possess them anyway. There is no justice even in depiction.







(Моя  Научно-Фантастическая конвенция фотокниг:)

где вы можите найти фотографии одних более или менее известных писателей фантастики, и множество других людей также

More than anything, science fiction conventions that I've taken part to, + famous authors, assorted trips and more.

The Entire Collections, on the right column, show all my photos of the event, in chronological order, without captions but with thumbnails. They are usually very many. Usually, only people who have taken part to those events themselves would like to go through all of them, or some fanatics who wants to see Absolutely Everything. But also surfers with an Internet connection which is too slow for the Essential Selections.

The Essential Selections, on the left colums, present you with a reduced and more reasonable selection of photos, with captions which tell you who is who.

The "Entire Collections", however, are presented with thumbnails, which then open the full sized pictures one by one, which again can be a good way to see the galleries.
In the "Essential Selections", on the other side, all the pictures are loaded and shown together, and even if they are middle-sized the amount of bits to transfer is huge and the page may take a long time to load if you are using a slow Internet connection.

Make your experiments and chose the best way to see the galleries.


Eveniment sau cricumstanta
Selected pics
(with caption)
Entire collections
(with thumbnail)

Eurocon 2007 - September 2007, Copenhagen
European Science Fiction Convention "Eurocon 2007" in Copenhagen, Denmark

Atlantykron 2007 - August 2007, Romania
Ten days camping in a summer camp on an island on the Danube

Posing for Penthouse Russia - March 2007
The last thing in life which I would imagine happening is myself posing for Penthouse. Well, it happened, for the Russian edition of Penthouse, issue of June 2007. Everything there is on cirillic, except my face and some skin.

Portal 2007, April - Kiev
Ukranian science fiction convention "Portal 2007"

RosCon 2007, - March, Moscow, Russia
Another visit to "Roscon", the most popular science fiction convention in Russia.

Star Bridge 2006, - September, Kiev, Ukraine
Ukranian SF Convention "Star Bridge 2006" in Kharkov, Ukraine

Atjarocon 2006, - June, Budapest, Hungary
The hungarian SF convention, organized by Atjaro magazine - Ian Watson permanent guest of honour

Eurocon 2006, - April, Kiev, Ukraine
The European Science Fiction Convention "Eurocon 2006" is in Kiev, Ukraine

March 2006 - A month in Moskov , Russia

RosCon 2006, - February, Moscow, Russia
Another visit to "Roscon", the most popular science fiction convention in Russia.

Worldcon 2005, "Interaction" August - Glasgow, Scotland
World Science Fiction Convention and Eurocon 2005.

Portal 2005, April - Kiev
Ukranian science fiction convention "Portal 2005" + following tour through Ukraine with Robert Sheckley, visiting Uman, Odessa and Kharkov.

Eurocon 2004, August - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The European Science Fiction Convention "Eurocon 2005" is in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Guests of Honour are Robert Sheckley, Ian Watson, Erik Simon and Roberto Quaglia.

Living with Robert Sheckley
May 2004 - August 2004

American writer Robert Sheckley comes again to Italy to visit me and for some months we travel through Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, Romania, ending up in Bulgaria in Plovdiv.

Italcon 2004, Marzo - Fiuggi
Italian Science fiction Convention "Italcon 2004", in Fiuggi. Guest of Honours are Ian Watson and Chase Masterson.

AtjaroCon 2004, March - Budapest
Once again to the SF Convention organized by the Hungarian SF Magazin Atjaro. Guest of Honour, as usual, Ian Watson.

RosCon 2004 - Mosca, Russia
Again to "Roscon", the most popular science fiction convention in Russia.

Strannik 2003 - Saint Petersbourg, Russia
Again in Russia with Sheckley, to the SF Convention "Strannik".

Atjarocon 2003 - Budapest, Ungheria
Once again to the SF Convention organized by the Hungarian SF Magazin Atjaro. Guest of Honour, once again, Ian Watson.

Eurocon 2003 - Turku, Finland
The European Science Fiction Convention "Eurocon".


HungaroCon 2003 - Salgotarjan, Hungary
The national Hungarian science fiction convention. Guests of Honour: Ian Watson, David Prowse (the "baddie" of Star Wars, Darth Wader) and Roberto Quaglia.

2nd International Week of Science Fact and Fiction - Timisoara 2003 - Romania
One week beautiful convention Convegno organized by the British Concatenation and the Romanian SF club H.G Wells. Guest of Honour Ian Watson. Toastmaster was yours truly.

KievCon 2003 - Kiev, Ukraine
The first national Ukranian science fiction held in Ukraine in ten years

RosCon 2003 - Moscow, Russia
Adventures in Russia: though ice, snow and vodka, meet the Roscon, the most popular science fiction convention in Russia. And I was the only not Russian speaking stranger....

Eurocon 2002 - Chotebor, Czech Republic
The European Science Fiction Convention "Eurocon".

Sheckley back in Europe.
July 2000, "Asturcon" in Gijon, Spain, within the well known "Semana Negra", and then everyone steps into my car and we drive to Italy and around.

Шаклей обратно в Европу. Июль 2000, Астуркон в Гижоне, Испания, а потом немного вокруг Италии

From Russia with humour
September 1999: in Saint Petersbourg, Russia, at a SF convention with Poul Anderson e Robert Sheckley.

Сентябрь 1999: в Санкт Петербурге, Россия, На Научно-Фантастической конвенции с Поулом Андерсеном и Робертом Шаклеем.

Dimension of miracles with Sheckley
Travelling for a month (July-August 99) around Europe with Robert Sheckley: hundreds of pictures

Размер чудес с Шаклеем: Путешествие в течении одного месяца (Июль-Август 99) вокруг Европы с Робертом Шаклеем: все фотографии.

Old galleries:
Sf Conventions 1997-1999

Collection n. 2

Sf Conventions 1990-1996

Collection n. 1
Something from Worldcon 95
(nothing special at all)



Very coloured photos - A collection of quite unusual photos realized by yours truly in the eighties starting a cooperation with my friend Gigi Picetti. More than 90% of the photos has, as a subject, a female face, or body, since anyway you have to point your camera lens somewhere when you make a photo, and then it's definetly more reasonable if the landscape you're focusing on really deserves your attention. However, to make the female faces less prevedible, one couldn't resist to transmute it a bit by use of loads of pure photons, no other tricks nor electronics. For lovers of strangeness, a jump to watch this gallery shouldn't be harmful.

Remains of RQ's Ego
have been liofilized here. Old gallery of images of yours truly, now almost useless since I've up put better galleries, which you'll find in the upper part of this page. Entrance here is only for fanatics or time-losers.

My surrealistic political campaign which perfectly worked, and the prove is that then I was elected...

Моя необыкновеная политическая компания, которая отлично работает, и доказательства к этоту то, что меня выброли...

You may find other things to watch on my Credits page.

Вы можите найти другие вещи для осмотра в моей Кредитной странице.

And if you like stuff that moves and makes sound you may take a look at the Video zone, even though most of the stuff is on Italian (but something is on English too)





Photo of Roberto Quaglia

Photo of Roberto Quaglia

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Последние изменения, 2 ноября 2007

© 1962-2008 Роберто Куаглиа


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