All the people liste below really exist.
I have verified personally. Well, let's say I know them. Maybe not
biblically, but I know them. And, what's more, I remember that I
know them. Some of them I've even touched. Just a bit. Anyway, not
too much. Or maybe yes? Some pages don't even reveal their presence,
but if I have linked them, it means I know they are behind them.
Maslo-Krkovic |
Croatian artist, now lost somewhere in the USA |
Fambrini |
Professor at the Trento University, good writer, and
- what's more - exquisite person. |
Alessandro Testa |
Great jazz piano player, excellent cook, efficient manager,
fine humourist and very good thinker. As for the rest he is mad, but
really completely mad, which makes everything more interesting. |
Caragea |
Fine thinker of extraordinary brightness. He has fully
metabolized the world in his own way and now every output is unusual,
interesting and often unique. That's called genious. |
Minoja |
Espert of Data Flow Management, something that I still
didn't really understand what's about, althought it has been explained
to me. |
Bernd Zillich |
Excellent photographer and good thinker. Discrete oncle,
but not for everybody. |
Barbieri |
Probably the best graphic you'd find in Liguria. And
then, as Popi says, Bobo is Bobo. |
Dolingo |
Writer and organizer of Aelita, the Russian equivalent
of the Nebula Awards, the prize for the best SF novels. |
Medicina (2) (3) |
Expert in cummunication, neurolinguisting programming,
martial arts, fine intellectual and much more. Plus, excellent pianist. |
Cecilia Dart-Thornton |
Australian fantasy writer, she immediately appeared to my senses
(as well as to those of Ian Watson, with whom I was when I first
met her on a taxi) as a more unique than rare alchemy of beauty
and intelligence, topped by a profound, positive and very fast sense
of reality. In other words: a phenomenon. And would you believe
that we've talked only once and quite briefly?
Daniele Vecchi |
Good Italian science fantasy writer and, although he
performs as a lawyer, he's still a human being of high humanity and
intelligence. |
Anderson |
Founder of a time travel research center, and of the
World Genesis Foundation, an association focused on cultural exchange
between USA and Romania. |
Florin Munteanu
Romanian scientist of astounding immagination. Inventor. Expert
in chaos theory, chaos control, fractal analisys of complex systems
and much more. Discoverer of the Golden Volume. After a dinner with
Florin, Robert Sheckley has said of him: What a fantastic man!
Grasso |
Successful Italian science fiction writer with a good
sense of humour. |
Forte |
Journalist, critic and very professional science fiction
writer of a thousand initiatives. |
Gabi Boiangiu |
Romanian artist with a marked originality, now located
in England. |
Gennady Gilmanov |
Great Russian friend. Intelligent and impregnated with that necessary touch of madness that makes you an unique human being. He speaks several languages but you guess what? His blog's on Russian and very cirillic. |
Gigi Picetti |
No definition can contain Gigi Picetti. Often, nor even Gigi Picetti
can contain Gigi Picetti.
Guido De Vecchi |
Great viola player and fine manufacter of viola arcs. |
Prigann |
Extremly unconventional Austrian artist, author of some of the
most visionary projects seen in the last decades. Great man.
Watson |
Vulcanic British author of an extreme originality. As a result
of his evident genious he is any moment able to enter in excellent
sintony with the surreal fluctuations of reality, and stay there.
For those who consider this statement obscure, we may remember that
Stanley Kubrick hired him for 8 months to help him developing his
Imants Belogrivs |
Latvian publisher with a peculiar feature: he looks like a stylized version of Albert Einstein, but compared to the famous scientist he's probably a much more interesting person, and for sure extremely more alive. |
Jack Cohen |
Unusual Brithis scientist, specialized in science of
sexual reproduction and author of a good book on chaos. |
Jonathan Cowie |
Charming British scientist, for a long period consulent
of the House of Lord brittannica for echological issues, as well as
organizer of conventions of science and science fiction. |
Maxon |
Knows also as Mad Maxon. Slovach artist od great personality.
He lives in Bratislava. |
Nemcova |
Notable human subject, I would say wonderful according
of a wide range of criteria. |
N. Frick |
Redactor in chief of the German science fiction series
Perry Rodan. |
Konstantin Krasnobaev |
Great Russian photographer, who did some good portraits of me (and some has been published on Penthouse), and great story teller of Russian annecdotes, which are so Russian that they even smell cirillic. |
Wild (2)(3) |
A writer of Equador, well known in Germany. A nice person
of great simpathy. |
Luigi Pachi |
Italian science fiction writer, co-creator of Delos, the
science fiction magazine of and of the Corriere
della fantascienza, the only Italian bi-weeklly SF magazine.
More, he's an expert manager and exquisite person.
Vimercati |
Publicity art director, author of books on communication
and the real core of the cult radio program "Onde
Storte". |
Mario Quaglia |
Between his most relevant responsabilities there's the
one that actually caused my existence. |
Maurizio Frizziero |
Friend of Sheckley. Beyond this he has been busy with
advertising and communication for the past 40 years, he commercilizes
the best apartments for vacations around here and in his free time
he collects Exakta, postcards and frogs. |
Maurizio Manzieri |
One of the most known Italian SF artists in the world. |
Max Morando |
My most pantagruelic friend. But this is irrelevant, although not
invisible. Presently, he's the fastest semantic processor around
in Itlay as well as Great International Master in Black Humour.
In case of necessity, also discrete feticist.
Spinrad |
One of the most interesting science fiction writers around. All
what I've read of him, was worth reading. That's something you can't
say of many writers.
Gastaldo |
Architect in Genova and original artist. His artwork
has a marked socio-political background. |
Gausset |
Belgian anthropologist, Associate Professor at the Institute
of Anthropology and at the Center for African Studies - University
of Copenhagen. Beyond this, he's an excellent person with remarkable
intelligence. |
Robert Sheckley |
One of the most brilliant science fiction writers that
has ever been. He was a great friend when he was alive, but even now when he's tecnically dead he can persist as a great friend of mine. Friends are friends when they live inside you contributing to the composition of your identity . Sheckley continues to excercise this function even though he has been cremated some time ago.
Soldani |
Eclectic actor and fine speaker. |
Silvio Sosio |
Unique and inimitable. King of the webmasters. Probably the most
professional and tastful Italian webmaster. Beyond this, Deus Ex
Machina of Italian SF fandom and creator of And,
more than that, very lucid and clever thinker.
Sorin Repanovici |
One of my oldest friends in Romania. Every year he organizes a cultural event on a little island in the Danube where again and again I heve to return, year after year. |
Putzki |
Tom is a person of unique simpathy and rare intelligence. He's got
a splendid and immediate sense of reality, melt with a huge charge
of emphaty. Five minutes after we've met we were already friends for
life. He works in the videogames industry. |
Ugo Malaguti |
Mileston of Italian science fiction, both as an author, as an editor
and as a publisher. The first Italian professional of SF who could
appreciate my works in this field, far before anybody else.
Evangelisti |
Great writer and a person of acute intelligence. One
of the few living italian authors that I like to read. |
Curtoni |
Well known Italian science fiction author and editor
of science fiction, one of the true archetypes of Italian science
fiction. |
Botsman |
Brillian Ucranian fantasy author, which shares with
Dmitry Gordevsky the pseudonym of Alexander Zorich. She's been also
philosophy professor at the University of Kharkov. |