Vladimir Larionov (Moscow, Russia, March 2006)
Nice discussions with interesting people and good drinks is a win-win paradigm
And then it's time to make a picture and people petrify (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Mihai Uspenskii (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Gennady Prashkevitch (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Alexander Royfe (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Monument to chess (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Ivan Rudakov, Vyacheslav Vinogorov and someone with moustache (Moscow, Russia, March 2006)
Nikolay Chadovich' with someone who seems to like to fuck America (Moscow,
Russia, March 2006)
Alexander Guzman (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
The emphasis of Eva Skorskaya
Dmitry Novikov and the pool (Moscow, Russia, March 2006)
Nikolay Pegasoff and Roberto Quaglia (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Alexander and Renate (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Vasili Shmikov, the teddy bear and Oleg Kolesnikov (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Olga Nikiforova posing with flowers...
Dmitry Baykalov late at night (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Nikolay Basov and wife (Moscow, Russia, March
Shmalko Andy Valentinov (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Vasily Golovachev (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Vasily Golovachev entertains the audience (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Ending up signing autographs in Russia too (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Scenes of a convention (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Alan Kubatiev and the teddy bear behind him (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Alexander Zorich (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Vadim Tschikov and friend (Moscow, Russia, March 2006) |
Late at night tea is surprisingly an alternative to vodka. (Moscow, Russia, March 2006)