You are entering a Scholastic Area!

Attention! You are about to enter a scholastic area! This means that you will find images and text that may offend your intelligence. The photo book that you are going to enter contains only images taken during the period in which RQ was imprisoned in school, where society tried invane to exterminate his creativity and imagination. All the crudity of this holocaust of intelligence that affects the schools where society concentrates its youngest components is well represented in the images that you are going to see if you enter this cyberspace area. The great risk you run, if by chance your mind works, is that the following pages will bore you to mental death, also because they will need a big while to load. Maybe, they'll even crash your computer with their heaviness. The only good reason to continue, is if you have participated to RQ's scholastic life, 15 years ago, and now you want to find yourself in the coming photos. The only bad reason to continue, is that you are so fanatic about RQ, that you can't avoid looking for further images affecting his earthly existence. There are no other reasons, nor good neither bad, to continue and to enter RQ's scholastic area. If you don't find yourself in these only two reasons, you are invited to leave immediately. As a further menage, please note that in the following pages everything will be written only on Italian, so that you probably wouldn't either understand a toss, nor un accidente. Ci siamo capiti? Per ribadire anche in Italiano il concetto, per i pił ignoranti di passaggio, si avverte che le successive pagine sono dedicate esclusivamente agli ex compagni di scuola di RQ, oppure, in subordine, a chi non trovi di meglio nella vita che farsi i fattacci di RQ a tal punto da buttare via una porzione piccola ma significativa della propria vita per vedere le facce che ebbero una serie di perfetti sconosciuti 15 anni fa.

Yes, I certify that I am a former school friend of RQ, or that I am mentally dead, and I want to enter at my own risk!
No! I'm sane! I don't want to suicide mentally! Take me away from this nightmare!