regarding Science Fiction : |
From Russia
September 1999: in Saint Petersbourg, Russia, at a SF convention
with Poul Anderson e Robert Sheckley.  |
Dimension of Miracles with Sheckley
Travelling for a month (July-August 99) around Europe with Robert
Sheckley: the full journal (on Italian only)  |
Recensione a Nirvana.
The movie of Gabriele Salvatores. Some thoughts about. (on Italian only) |
A Lucca,
An article about a very good anthology of the Italian SF of the past 40 years. (on
Italian only) |
An interview
to Robert Sheckley, in cooperation with Luigi Pachì. |
SF Worldcon 1995
This is my report from the Science Fiction Worldcon '95, which was held in Glasgow,
Scotland, in August 1995 |
The same report, Glasgow '96 Intersection, is available in Italiano!
und auf Deutsch! et en
française! |
SF Eurocon 1994 in Timisoara
This is a report from the 1994 Science Fiction Eurocon (European SF Convention), which was
held in Romania, in May 1994. Available also in Italiano,
and in Chinese! |
SF Eurocon 1993 in Jersey
This is a report from the 1993 Science Fiction Eurocon (European SF Convention), which was
held in Jersey, in April 1993. (on Italian only) |
Robert Sheckley,
one of the worldwide greatest SF writers ever, has written an introduction to one of my SF
novels. Here you get it ! |
information about my SF writings can be found on my Literature page. |